Thursday, December 30, 2010

Slimbox hiding animation/flash and not unhiding it

I am actually using Clientcide libraries lightbox (mootools vers 1.2), which is slimbox made into a class, but should all be the same.

Slimbox is suppose to auto hide flash and animation, but show it once you close the lightbox. Unfortunately it didn't work, and flash was hidden forever unless you refreshed the page.

Here is how I fixed the issue.

Search for
var vis = (open ? 'hidden' : el.retrieve('lbBackupStyle') || 'visible');

and just remove el.retrieve('lbBackupStyle') ||
var vis = (open ? 'hidden' : 'visible');

Monday, November 15, 2010

Here is how the Dallas Cowboys still make the playoffs in 2010

Lets say that Dallas runs the table for the remainder of the season. That will put them at 9-7 with two critical wins over the Eagles and one over the Redskins. As of right now Dallas is last in the NFC East, here is a low down on how it stands:

Giants 6-3
Eagles 5-3
Redskins 4-4
Dallas 2-7

So if Dalls wins out, that is 2 more losses for the Eagles and 1 for the Redskins. For Dallas to trump the Eagles in the division, the Eagles only need to lose 2 games other then the losses to Dallas. Out of the 6 games (not including Dallas), 2 losses would tie them with Dallas but they lose the tie breaker since Dallas is 2-0 against them. This is the easiest scenerio out of the other teams since Dallas can win the head to head matchup. Here is the remaining schedule for the Eagles:


For the Skins to fall behind Dallas it would need to lose 3 games out of the 7 non Dallas games remaining. I am just playing it safe here and saying they need to finish the season at 8-8 or worse. There may be a way for them to finish 9-7 and still lose out to the Cowboys due to division/conference records, but 8-8 ensures they can't win the division. Here is the rest of their schedule:


Giants may be a bit more of a stretch. They either need to lost 5 of their remaining 7 games or lose all 4 against the division rivals. Losing against the Skins and Eagles would put them at 9-7 but Dallas would win due to conference record. Here is their schedule:


Now of coarse this is all moot and gets even more complicated if Dallas loses 1 game, but this season has been a weird one for the NFL and who knows, maybe they still have a chance at 8-8 :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Apple wants to convert everyone to "right-hand"

The latest and greatest iPhone is proving to be quite a pain, for left handed people that is. There are reports from engadget that some phones drop all calls when held in the left hand.

There are also reports of yellow "spots" stuck on the screen. Perhaps their fantastic retina display is a bit jaundice?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Iphone hoopla and why I chose the Evo

Apple doesn't impress me. I don't dislike Apple, their stuff just doesn't impress me. I view their computers as overpriced "wow" items. I think the "I'm a Mac" commercial is stupid, mainly because a PC doesn't mean Windows, it could be Linux which is the very base of their OS, but that is a different rant (I don't like Microsoft either).

I do like the iPhone, it pushed the cell phone technology to a new level and forced other makers to get with the program. What I don't like about the iPhone is how closed it is, and most importantly, it is on the crappy AT&T network.

I chose the Evo 4G for many reasons, the open Android OS (I am a web developer and programmer), the big screen, the 8mp camera, the processor speed, the fact it has a removable battery, changeable cards and a ton of other reasons I won't bore you with.

Is the Evo better then the iPhone, even the new one about to reach their eagerly awaiting owners hands? Maybe, maybe not. I like having control and that is what the Evo allows that the iPhone doesn't, so unless the iPhone is better then the Evo 10folds, it won't matter to me.

iPhone supporters like to throw the App count into the argument. That does not matter to me. Any app I want is on the Android Market. Even if it wasn't, it would be soon (or I could try to build it myself). Apple's tight hold on what apps are allowed is another turnoff. Maybe I want an app that has Droid in the name, or something built with an Adobe converter, or I want to look at naked chicks. NOTE TO WIFE: I don't want to baby, was just making a point ;)

In my opinion the iPhone is for newbies, the inexperienced, or even the materialistic. Some people will buy it just because it is Apple's latest and greatest - like the iPad (lame). The system restricts what you can do, so much to the point it is hard to mess anything up. That is why newbies and non techy people have such great experiences with it. Kinda like a tech toy for dummies - no offense to iPhone owners, there wasn't an easy way to say it :)

The Android OS on the other hand, is the complete opposite. I view this as more desirable to the tech crowd, hackers (that doesn't mean computer hackers), modders and those that just like to tweak the stuff they own. That doesn't mean a newbie will have issues with it, they can have a great experience, but if there ever comes a time they want to do some tweaking they can.

I would suggest an iPhone to my Mom or Dad if they were wanting to get a "cool" phone. Easy to use out of the box. For myself, I will stick with an Android phone :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tiger Woods potty mouth upsets you? What a wuss.

I just read an article, Eye-Opener: Did Tiger's language offend you?, about some overly sensitive loser caster, I mean sports caster, being offended by Tiger Wood's potty mouth. I mean come on Jim Nantz, look at all the crisis in the world and you want to soap box on Tiger Woods saying "Damn It"? That isn't even a top level bad word, hell it is even in the Bible.

Tiger Woods bones 14 or so hot chicks while cheating on his wife, which doesn't offend you, but a little potty mouth does? Jealousy perhaps?

This may be a news flash, but Tiger Woods is just a man, he is human. Let him be one in peace crybabies.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reggie Bush a bust? Don't think so Michael Rosenberg

Michael Rosenberg wrote an article for SI, Bust? Saints haven't figured out what to do with Reggie Bush, which I pretty much disagree with.

Bush was drafted to help the Saints by making big plays, scoring touchdowns and help the team win games. He wasn't drafted as the savior Christ like the article insists.

In Bush's career he has played in 52 games racking in 4,502 total yards and 32 touchdowns (not counting playoffs). That averages out to about 1251 total yards and 9 scores a year. Those are some pretty good numbers. He was drafted as an exceptional utility player and that is what he is. A running back, receiver and punt returner.

His play making ability also helps the team since defenses have to keep an eye on him. They can't load up on the receivers and stick a linebacker on him or they will get toasted. This opens up their passing game big time.

So a bust he is not. A good NFL player who helps his team win he is.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dallas to win the Super Bowl next year?

I just finished reading this article by Alan Pattani about how similar the 09 Cowboys are to the 91 Cowboys, which was the turning point to their Super Bowl domination in the 90's. All I can say is WOW. If you want to take a look at the story check it out HERE.

The current Cowboys certainly have a great team, if they can fix some mental blunders they can be an excellent team. I think this certainly can be Déjà vu for Cowboy Nation. I hope so, that way I can rag on all the Cowboys haters :-P

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wouldn't it be funny if the Jets beat the Colts?

Don't get me wrong, I am a Peyton Manning fan. I think he is the best quarterback in the NFL and probably of all time. I would love for the Colts to win the Super Bowl.

Would it not be a total kick in the ass if the Jets happen to win? I mean, the reason they are even in the playoffs is because Jim Caldwell wanted to rest his starters in their week 16 match-up since they already had home field wrapped up in the playoffs. They bypassed the golden chance at an undefeated season for health players.

Now, the Jets could have won that game even if the starters stayed in, but it isn't likely. This upcoming game would not even exist had the Colts played the game hard and came out with a victory.

Now they both play for the AFC Championship, and that stickler defense of the Jets could possibly beat the Colts. Passing up the opportunity for NFL immortality and choosing rested players for the playoffs gave the Jets a playoff birth (well they still had to win their last game but you know what I mean).

If the Colts lose, Jim Caldwell will get blamed for not playing his starters in week 16 and killing the Jets playoff hopes at that time. With a win, the Jets will have bitten the hand that fed it.

But if the Colts win and go on to win the Super Bowl, fans may still be angry since it proves they would of beaten them in week 16, giving them a chance to have only the 2nd undefeated season in NFL history, the 1st to do it with the 16 game regular season schedule.

This game is gonna be good :-)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Tainted BCS Championship win?

I don't think so. Many are claiming it a tainted win since McCoy went down so early in the 1st quarter leaving Texas to play a freshman inexperienced quarterback. Although that is a great misfortune for the Longhorns, that is just part of the game. Alabama did catch a break, a huge one, and even though the scoreboard said 37-21 it was a much closer game then that.

The first two field goals Texas kicked would have probably been touchdowns had McCoy not gone down. None the less, with just over 3 minutes left of the game Texas brought it within 3 points. Poor Texas freshman Gilbert's fumble and interception on their next 2 possessions changed that lead to 17.

Four interceptions, 1 returned for a touchdown, and a critical fumble were evidence Gilbert wasn't ready to play. It appeared the coaches already knew that when he first came into the game by being super conservative on play calls, basically just running the ball. It is possible that McCoy could of had the same issues with turnovers but it is highly unlikely. In my opinion Texas might have won the game by two or three scores had McCoy not gone down.

So a tainted win? Not for Alabama. I put the blame on Texas. Their backup looked like a lost kid out there. He did have some good moments, but for the most part the offense was severely hampered in limited play calls, and the turnovers are what lost the game.

Texas should have had a backup ready to play, especially in such a critical position. He should of been familiar with the offense, familiar with the playbook, and most of all familiar with the players. I don't expect a backup to come in and perform stellar, but I do expect a backup to come in prepared. Gilbert was nowhere near prepared and I blame the coaches for that.

Injuries are part of the game and shouldn't take anything away from a win.