Apple doesn't impress me. I don't dislike Apple, their stuff just doesn't impress me. I view their computers as overpriced "wow" items. I think the "I'm a Mac" commercial is stupid, mainly because a PC doesn't mean Windows, it could be Linux which is the very base of their OS, but that is a different rant (I don't like Microsoft either).
I do like the iPhone, it pushed the cell phone technology to a new level and forced other makers to get with the program. What I don't like about the iPhone is how closed it is, and most importantly, it is on the crappy AT&T network.
I chose the Evo 4G for many reasons, the open Android OS (I am a web developer and programmer), the big screen, the 8mp camera, the processor speed, the fact it has a removable battery, changeable cards and a ton of other reasons I won't bore you with.
Is the Evo better then the iPhone, even the new one about to reach their eagerly awaiting owners hands? Maybe, maybe not. I like having control and that is what the Evo allows that the iPhone doesn't, so unless the iPhone is better then the Evo 10folds, it won't matter to me.
iPhone supporters like to throw the App count into the argument. That does not matter to me. Any app I want is on the Android Market. Even if it wasn't, it would be soon (or I could try to build it myself). Apple's tight hold on what apps are allowed is another turnoff. Maybe I want an app that has Droid in the name, or something built with an Adobe converter, or I want to look at naked chicks. NOTE TO WIFE: I don't want to baby, was just making a point ;)
In my opinion the iPhone is for newbies, the inexperienced, or even the materialistic. Some people will buy it just because it is Apple's latest and greatest - like the iPad (lame). The system restricts what you can do, so much to the point it is hard to mess anything up. That is why newbies and non techy people have such great experiences with it. Kinda like a tech toy for dummies - no offense to iPhone owners, there wasn't an easy way to say it :)
The Android OS on the other hand, is the complete opposite. I view this as more desirable to the tech crowd, hackers (that doesn't mean computer hackers), modders and those that just like to tweak the stuff they own. That doesn't mean a newbie will have issues with it, they can have a great experience, but if there ever comes a time they want to do some tweaking they can.
I would suggest an iPhone to my Mom or Dad if they were wanting to get a "cool" phone. Easy to use out of the box. For myself, I will stick with an Android phone :)